G is a sound. Phonetically, it is represented as [χ]—and corresponds to خ in the Arabic alphabet—a guttural resonance shared between Afrikaans and Persian.

Hinging on this mutual fricative sonically prominent in their respective languages, and a playful inclusion of homonyms across English, Afrikaans, and Persian, Klara du Plessis and Khashayar “Kess” Mohammadi composed G collaboratively in a shared Google document, an act of hospitality into their languages. Amplifying common etymologies, but centering communication beyond the delimitation of verbal systems, this work stages a conceptual project of human interconnection through the metaphors of tongue, speech, and poetry as sound. G builds on both poets’ earlier translingual and translation work, including du Plessis’ award-winning Ekke and Mohammadi’s  Me, You, Then Snow.

Purchase: Palimpsest Press, 2023.


“Translingual Playground.” Emily Mernin. Montreal Review of Books. Spring Issue 2024.

G, Klara du Plessis and Khashayar “Kess” Mohammadi.” Joshua Chris Bouchard. Ampersand Review. February 2024.

“Meertaligheid en Transtaligheid in Een Multiculturele Omgeving.” Yves T’Sjoen. Voertaal. 19 January 2024.

“’n Herhinnering aan Unieke Klank-Masjinerie.” Louise Viljoen. Die Burger. 15 January 2024.


“Aaron Schneider Interviews Khashayar “Kess” Mohammadi and Klara du Plessis.” ​The /tƐmz/ Review. Issue 26, Spring 2024.