I provide editorial support and manuscript consultation, with expertise in poetry, creative non-fiction, and hybrid forms. While I have a special interest in long form and translingual poetics, and interdisciplinary writing, I have worked with a wide variety of authors, styles and approaches to great effect.

Chapbook consultation (up to 10 pages): $300 (includes introductory and feedback meetings on Zoom, and 4-hours spent with the work)

Full manuscript consultation: $600 (includes introductory and feedback meetings on Zoom, and 10-hours spent with the work)

Full manuscript consultation + follow-up: $800 (includes introductory meeting on Zoom, 10-hours spent with the work, a feedback meeting, and an additional read-through and final meeting after edits have been reworked)

"Working with Klara du Plessis on my debut poetry manuscript through the Banff Centre was transformative and inspirational. Her mentorship style embodies a perfect fusion of respect, rigour, play, and expertise. Klara offered me rich feedback on my poems, invaluable publishing advice, and opened up doors I once deemed tightly shut for my type of translingual work.”—Adriana Onita